Did you know that if you treat your clutch pedal like it is 300 degrees you can make your clutch last twice as long? (In other words, don't rest your foot on or needlessly depress or "slip" the clutch and you will not only preserve the clutch lining, but the throw-out bearing as well).
Oil Changes: These days most manufacturers are going longer between oil changes with some recommending 5000 and even 7500 miles between changes. With synthetic oils, increased oil capacity and improved filter technology, the oil CAN last longer. However, if you are a true gear head, most of us change our oil around 3000 miles. Those who change at this interval cite the fact that no filter can truly remove all the contaminants that get into your oil through daily combustion wear and tear. Even though the oil may not break down, an abundance of microscopic bits of dirt coursing through the oil galleys is never good for your engine.