"Time spent with a large diversified fleet and several years with Mack Trucks was good experience. After that, eight more years in new car dealerships revealed a need for a reliable honest repair shop. Vehicles have changed dramatically in these 30 + years. We take pride in helping customers avoid the expense of a new vehicle. A repair shop built on the principle of doing the right thing and actually FIXING something was our goal. A bonus has been that approximately 10 more shops have been opened by techs that started with us."
Norman Rutland
"I can attest to the quality of the work you will get out of Auto and Truck. I watched Norman when he used to sell cars. He wouldn't just talk about the benefits of any particular car he was showing to a customer. In his suit, he would get on the ground and SHOW the customer what he was talking about. He truly cared about doing a thorough job, and with his shop that has not changed one little bit."
Spencer Till-(Customer)